Patient Rights & Responsibilites

Right to Benefit from Services:

All patients who apply to our hospital have the right to benefit from all health services within the framework of justice and fairness.

Right to Information and Request Information:

Our patients have the right to obtain information about their health status, the available health services, and how to benefit from them, to see and obtain documents related to themselves and their illnesses, and to request corrections to their records.

Right to Refuse and Discontinue Treatment:

Our patients have the right to accept, refuse, or request the discontinuation of the proposed treatment after being adequately informed.

Right to Choose and Change Healthcare Facility and Personnel:

Our patients have the right to choose a healthcare institution or organization and to benefit from the health services provided by the chosen healthcare institution, as well as to choose and change the personnel who will provide them with health services, in accordance with the procedures determined by the legislation.

Right to Privacy and Confidentiality:

Our patients have the right to request that their personal information, health status, diagnosis and treatment processes, or the content of their private visits be kept confidential. Information acquired due to the provision of healthcare services cannot be disclosed in any way, except as permitted by law.

Right to Dignity:

Our patients and their relatives have the right to receive health services in a friendly, polite, and compassionate manner in a clean and modern environment.

Right to Fulfill Religious Obligations:

Our patients have the right to fulfill their religious obligations to the extent possible and as long as it does not interfere with their treatment.

Right to Visits and Companionship:

Our patients have the right to have a companion to assist them during examination and treatment, and to receive visitors, within the limits of our hospital’s capabilities and as deemed appropriate by the responsible physician.

Right to Safety:

Our patients have the right to expect and request to be safe while receiving healthcare services in a healthcare institution or organization.

Right to Medical Care:

Our staff is required to provide the medical care appropriate to the patient's condition. If it is not possible to save the patient’s life or preserve their health, efforts must be made to reduce and alleviate their suffering.

Right to Report Complaints/Opinions and Suggestions:

Our patients have the right to make any application in case of violation of their rights, to have the application reviewed, resolved, and to be informed of the outcome, within the framework of the legislation.

Right to Request Priority Determination:

In cases where the healthcare institution's service capabilities are insufficient or limited, and the healthcare service request cannot be met in a timely manner, the patient has the right to request that their priority be determined based on medical criteria and objectivity.

Right to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care in Accordance with Medical Requirements:

The patient has the right to request diagnosis, treatment, and care in accordance with modern medical knowledge and technology requirements.

Right to Prohibition of Interference Outside of Medical Necessities:

Nothing can be done or requested that could cause death or life-threatening situations, violate bodily integrity, or reduce mental or physical resilience, without the purpose of diagnosis, treatment, or prevention.


Patient Responsibilities

General Responsibilities

  • Individuals should do their best to take care of their own health and follow the advice given for a healthy life.
  • If eligible, a person can donate blood or organs.
  • In simple situations, individuals should take care of themselves.

Social Security Status

  • Our patients are responsible for promptly informing us of any changes in their health, social security, and personal information.

Informing Healthcare Workers

  • Our patients must fully and accurately provide all information about their ailments, previous illnesses, any inpatient treatments they have undergone, current medications, and all other health-related information.

Compliance with Hospital Rules

  • Our patients must adhere to the rules and procedures of the healthcare institution they visit.
  • Our patients must comply with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and other social security institutions.
  • Patients are expected to cooperate with healthcare workers during treatment, care, and rehabilitation.
  • If utilizing a healthcare facility with an appointment system, patients must adhere to the date and time of their appointment and report any changes to the relevant department.
  • Patients should respect the rights of hospital staff, other patients, and visitors.
  • Patients are responsible for compensating any damage they cause to hospital materials.

Compliance with Treatment Recommendations

  • Patients should listen carefully to advice regarding their treatment and medications and ask questions about any parts they do not understand.
  • If patients are unable to comply with treatment recommendations, they must inform the healthcare worker.
  • Patients should indicate whether they have correctly understood the health care and discharge plans.
  • Patients are responsible for any consequences resulting from refusing the recommended treatment or not following the advice.


In case of violation of patient rights:


This notice has been prepared in accordance with the decisions of the Patient Rights Regulation No. 28994 and the Amsterdam Declaration.