
Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death among people worldwide. Among heart diseases, coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease) is the most common heart disease. This disease is caused by blockages in the coronary arteries (the vessels that pump blood to the heart and supply the heart itself). This blockage reduces the blood supply to the heart, impairs the blood supply to the heart muscle and leads to poor circulation in the heart, thus increasing the risk of a heart attack.


Regular cardiology examinations are recommended in the presence of the following conditions:


  • Chest pain, palpitations, restlessness over the chest, shortness of breath, fainting, fatigue, swelling in the legs, inability to sleep comfortably on the back at night, pain in the shoulder or back, and numbness in the left arm
  • Having a smoking habit
  • Family history of cardiac problems
  • Having high cholesterol levels
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Diabetes

You can make a cardiology appointment using our hospital's online appointment system or call center service.


What is Cardiology?


The cardiovascular system is a system that pumps blood throughout the body. The heart is the organ that pumps blood throughout the body and the vessels are the structures that distribute blood from the heart to the various tissues and organs. Heart conditions refer to diseases that affect the heart's ability to perform its functions. These diseases may occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from congenital structural defects of the heart to cardiac anomalies.


Cardiology is the science of diagnosing and treating various diseases of the heart and vascular system. These include coronary artery disease, heart failure, heart valve protrusion diseases, heart muscle weakness, rhythm disorders or arrhythmia, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol). Cardiology also deals with heart surgery and is performed by cardiac surgeons.


Cardiology detects diseases of the heart and vascular system using various diagnostic methods. These methods include electrocardiography, echocardiography and angiography. Thanks to these methods, problems that may occur in the cardiovascular system can be detected and necessary treatment measures can be taken.

What Does Cardiology Look For?


Cardiology is a medical science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases related to the cardiovascular system. Doctors who specialize in this branch of science are called cardiologists.


Cardiology is the study of the structure, physiology and pathology of the heart and vascular system. Therefore, cardiology examines the following conditions:


  1. The structure of the heart and vascular system: Cardiology studies the structure of the heart and vascular system and detects abnormalities in this system.


  1. Physiology of the heart and vascular system: Cardiology studies how the heart and vascular system works and identifies abnormalities in this system.


  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: Cardiology deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. These include coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, rhythm disorders or arrhythmia.


  1. Heart surgeries Cardiology also includes heart surgery, which is performed by cardiac surgeons.


These are just some examples and cardiology examines various conditions related to the heart and vascular system

For frequently recurring problems, you should make a cardiology appointment and be examined by an otolaryngologist.


Symptoms in Cardiology Diseases

Cardiology diseases are various diseases of the cardiovascular system and their symptoms can vary. In general, however, the following symptoms can be observed in cardiology diseases:


  • Chest pain: In heart disease, especially coronary heart disease, chest pain, called angina pectoris, typically occurs between the lower jaw and the navel, anywhere except the right and left thumb and index fingers. In addition to chest pain, chest burning, sweating, nausea, vomiting and abdominal bloating are also important symptoms of coronary artery disease.
  • Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath can be seen in conditions such as heart failure, coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease, rhythm disorders, congenital heart diseases (heart holes, etc.). This symptom is caused by poor blood circulation in the body.


  • Cough In conditions such as heart failure and valvular heart valve protrusion disease, cough may also be a symptom. This symptom can be caused by water accumulation in the body.


  • Fatigue: In conditions such as heart failure and coronary artery disease, weakness may also be observed. This symptom is caused by poor blood circulation in the body.


  • Heart rate changes - palpitations: Changes in heart rate and regularity can be seen in conditions such as heart anomalies, valvular heart valve protrusion disease, heart failure, rhythm disorders.


  • Convulsions: In conditions such as coronary artery disease, chest pain or convulsions may occur.
  • Palpitations: It can be defined as the feeling of heartbeats that we normally do not feel and the discomfort this causes. Palpitations are an important symptom of rhythm disorders. Rhythm disorders range from low heart rate (bradycardia) to high heart rate (tachycardia), heart rhythm disturbances and irregularities.In addition to palpitations, complaints such as fainting, dizziness and blackouts may also accompany rhythm disturbances.

Not all of these symptoms may be symptoms of cardiology diseases and not all of these symptoms may be present together. However, if some of these symptoms are present, it is advisable to consult a cardiologist.


Tests and Procedures Performed at our Cardiology Center


In our Cardiology Center, many procedures can be performed for the diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory system diseases.  Painless diagnostic methods that do not require the insertion of a catheter or the injection of a substance into the vein and do not pose a risk of vascular injury or tissue damage to the patient can provide important information about the condition of the heart. 


Main diagnostic methods used in our clinic;

  1. ECG
  2. Effort- Treadmill
  3. Holter Rhythm Holter
  4. Blood Pressure Holter 
  5. ECG
  6. Transthoracic Echocardiography
  7. 6- Transecophagial Echocardiography


Surgeries performed in our center:

  1. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
  2. Heart aneurysm surgery


Cardiology doctors in our hospital can provide these services.

Treatment methods and procedures performed by the cardiologists of our clinic;

  • Treatment of Hypertension
  • Treatment of Heart Failure
  • Treatment of Hyperlipidemia
  • Coronary angiography
  • Coronary Balloon-Stent Procedures
  • Permanent and temporary pacemaker procedures
  • Arrhythmia treatment - Electrophysiology and Ablation
  • Angioplasty and balloon stenting of neck, leg and umbilical veins
  • Non-Surgical Closure of Heart Holes
  • Non-Surgical Balloon Valve Opening
  • Valve replacement without surgery


Frequently Asked Questions in Cardiology


What diseases does the cardiology department treat?


Cardiology is a medical science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. These diseases include the following conditions:


  1. Coronary artery disease: This is a condition caused by stenosis or blockage of the coronary arteries (the vessels that pump blood to the heart and supply the heart itself). This stenosis or blockage reduces the heart's blood supply and can lead to damage to the heart muscle, impaired contractility and thus heart failure.


  1. Heart failure: In this condition, the heart is unable to pump enough blood and therefore blood circulation in the body is impaired. Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, inability to lie on your back, swelling in the legs, fatigue, coughing and weakness.


  1. Heart valve protrusion disease: A condition that occurs when the heart valves do not work properly. The reason for this inability to function properly is stenosis of the heart valves or valve insufficiency due to incomplete closure of the valves.  This causes the heart not to pump enough blood. As a result, fluid begins to accumulate in the body. First there is fluid accumulation in the lungs, then the liver is affected. It continues with swelling in the legs and abdomen.


  1. Heart muscle weakness: In this condition, the heart muscle is weak and cannot pump enough blood. This can lead to heart failure. Hypertension: It is an increase in the blood pressure of the fluid in the vessels in the body above normal values. Normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 mmhg. Hypertension or high blood pressure may not cause any complaints, but it may cause complaints such as headache, especially headache, feeling of tightness, restlessness, feeling of tension, visual disturbance, nausea and vomiting. When blood pressure remains high for a long time, if left untreated, it can damage organs such as the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys.


  1. Heart anomalies Heart Rhythm Disorders or Arrhythmia: One of the most common diseases in cardiology is rhythm disorders. We can define arrhythmia as the disruption, disruption and out of control of regular normal physiological stimulation of the heart within a certain range. The most common complaint is palpitations, but shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, fainting, sweating and a feeling of tightness may be other accompanying complaints.


  1. Congenital Heart Diseases: In this group of diseases, also called congenital heart defects, there are structural defects in the heart from birth. The main ones are heart holes called ASD VSD PDA, stenosis in the valves or leaks in the valves.  These diseases are congenital structural disorders of the heart and affect its normal functioning.


What does cardiology mean?


So, what is cardiology, what does cardiology mean.?  The word cardiology is formed from two roots "cardi-" and "-ology". The root "cardi-" comes from the Greek word "cardia", which means "heart". "-ology" is derived from the Greek word "logos" meaning "science".


Therefore, the meaning of the word "cardiology" can be translated as "the science of the heart". This word refers to a branch of science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases of the cardiovascular system.


How is a cardiology examination performed?


A cardiology examination is a medical examination performed by cardiology doctors to diagnose and treat diseases of the heart and vascular system. This examination is performed by a cardiologist and usually consists of several steps.


  1. Anamnesis: Before the examination begins, information such as the patient's past health status, current symptoms, medication use and allergic reactions are collected.
  2. Physical examination: In this stage, the doctor measures the patient's body composition, weight, blood pressure and pulse rate. It also evaluates the functioning of the heart by listening to the heartbeat.
  3. Diagnostic methods: If the doctor has detected a problem with the cardiovascular system, various diagnostic methods can be used to understand the problem in more detail. These methods include electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography (ECHO), transesophageal echocardiography, blood pressure Holter, Holter ECG (rhythm holter), coronary angiography.
  4. Treatment: If a problem with the cardiovascular system is detected, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment measures. These measures can include medication, lifestyle changes, percutaneous coronary or cardiac interventions and heart surgery.


Cardiology examinations play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and can help prevent and treat heart disease.