Tiny Hands, Big Hearts...

Unlike babies who are expected to be born at 38 weeks or later, premature babies are babies born at 36 weeks or earlier who cannot complete the development process in the womb for reasons related to the baby or the mother. Some of them are born so early that they may not even weigh a pound but under 1000 gr. Therefore, they go through a long and difficult process. Some of them have underdeveloped lungs and lack survivors, some have heart problems, some have to fight infections and cerebral hemorrhages and serious life-threatening problems. Their bodies are so weak that even the slightest problem can be a big problem for them. They are the babies who are connected to ventilators, have IV access and receive antibiotic treatment in the first minutes of life. This is why premature birth means the beginning of difficult days for families. 

With today's advanced advanced technologies and medical facilities, sad outcomes have been replaced by happy endings and our babies have started to hold on to life. Turkey Hospital has a neonatal intensive care unit with 10 incubators in the 3rd stage with the latest technology devices.

Three quarters of all infant deaths occur due to preventable causes, diseases or deficiencies. Therefore, we can see that such causes are eliminated in the places we call neonatal intensive care, no matter how well equipped and how high level they can be.

Therefore, our first priority as mothers and fathers (even as doctors) is to choose a hospital that provides appropriate neonatal resuscitation, prevention of hypothermia, provision of maternal care, starting breastfeeding as soon as possible in the concept of baby-friendly hospital, maternal education, breastfeeding support and education, bathing, umbilical care and family questions at discharge, and of course screening tests (such as Tandem Ms).

Our neonatal intensive care unit serves our patients with the best care for risky babies, an experienced team specialized in their field, diagnostic and therapeutic devices and laboratory facilities. While doctors and nurses determine the right approach and quality of care, the devices enable the application of complicated treatments.

Our hospital, which always aims to provide quality health services, has been a baby-friendly hospital since 2009. On September 19, 2022, it was entitled to receive the title of Baby Friendly Neonatal Intensive Care with its baby health-oriented service. We provide baby-oriented health services to all our babies who are hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit with breast milk feeding sensitivity, kangaroo care and tentene contact practices. In addition, we continue to provide professional healthcare services with our specialist physicians and nurses who have neonatal resuscitation and neonatal resuscitation (NRP) training approved by the Ministry of Health. Another issue that makes us privileged is that we have put the mother and baby at the center of health care with our efforts to become a Mother-Friendly Hospital as well as a Baby-Friendly Hospital.